Thursday, April 16, 2009

Tales of adventure

After the Lakes District we travelled down to Nottingham where we got a delightful B & B. Once we had settled in, we went to Sherwood Forest to see all things about Robin Hood (hooray, hooray). I purchased a Robin hat and a Shield and Crossbow set and thus was able to travel around the forest with my fair maiden (Sharon) totally protected. Sherwood is a beautiful forest with many very, very old oak trees. The next day we went to Nottingham Castle where the Sheriff (boo, boo) lived. The actual castle was built over in the 17th century after it was destroyed but a bit of the original still remains. We had lots of fun pretending to be outlaws before we started heading back to London where we have been for the last couple of days. We returned the rented car and got a three day discount because they kept us waiting when we originally picked it up. We intend spending a few day chilling out at Sharon's nephew's place - yes I know - we are the relatives who came and stayed. We are planning our return to Australia in the near future.

PS: I have created a couple of slide shows - click on the links on the right side of this blog under the heading "View some slide shows of the trip" or click on either of these:

Sharon and Andre during the trip

Inside Chess Records in Chicago

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