Friday, February 20, 2009

Sweet Home Alabama

Caught the Greyhound bus to go to Montgomery in Alabama and arrived after a nine hour trip. Wow, Montgomery is so different to New Orleans. We hit the Civil rights trail in the city and saw some amazing sights. The Rosa Parks Library and Museum was truly unique and, without doubt, it was one of the best interactive museums we have ever seen. The time bus in the Children's Wing was spectacular and gave a brilliant exhibition of the struggle for rights since the 1800s. Similarly, the Civil Rights Memorial Centre was an inspirational tribute to those who lost their lives and those who struggled for Civil Rights. Montgomery has proved to be a quiet town which has embraced its place in the Civil Rights movement with dignity and pride which is quite ironic given its original strong opposition to the movement in the 50's and 60's. In addition, Montgomery is the first place that we have been to where we have really missed having a car. The large distances between locations of interest and the locals amazement that we are "public transporting" have both contributed to our sense of "automotive deprivation" - will need to check out rental options.

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