Sunday, February 8, 2009

Viva La Revolucion (Sunday 1st February)

Spent most of today at the Museo De La Revolucion and heard the other side of the story. Interesting to see the many exhibits talking about the USA Imperialistic expansionist attempts from the middle of the 1800’s with the exploitation of the locals for the sugar cane. The Castro led insurrection/freedom fight began in 1953 and culminated with the overthrow of the Batista government in 1959 and was just the final chapter in a long history of popular uprising. It was fascinating to hear the Cuban version of history and the very emotive anti-imperialistic rhetoric used. It was also of huge interest to hear the doctrines of equal opportunity, particularly to blacks and women, espoused by the revolution and the attempts to bring education and health to the masses after the victory of 1959. My inner revolutionary was really stirred and I think I felt myself channelling Che Guevara. Bought lots of souvenirs at the Museum as a unique opportunity. Sharon’s admiration for the revolutionaries and what they went through is even greater now than before and she looks great in her Che t-shirt.

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