Sunday, December 7, 2008

A view to kill for

It´s been a few days since I posted a blog and that is partly due to the hostel not having Internet access and having to use an Internet cafe. The view from the hostel is spectacular as can be seen by the picture. My stay in Cusco is going to be a bit longer than originally planned as there was a complication at the dentist with another tooth being broken. Due to public holidays and a couple of other factors I will be around for another week. I have been using my time to go on tours, go to the markets (where you can buy whole series of TV shows on DVD for about $7AUS - not that I would do anything illegal like that), hanging around foodshops (there are hundreds of them), playing poker (not ahead yet) and hanging around the Internet cafe (using Skype to ring home). As an example of the cosmopolitan nature of Cusco I had a spaghetti meal in a Mexican restaurant owned by a German and which was prepared by an Israeli chef - the food was great and plentiful. Lots of churches to see and will do some day trips as well before heading off to Macchu Picchu. In Cusco you go everywhere by taxi as any trip from any point to any place costs 3 Soles ($1.50AUS) and the chaotic traffic beats any carnival ride anywhere.

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