Saturday, November 29, 2008

Around town

Spent more time looking around the town today - a very interesting mix of new and old architecture. Lots of street vendors and small convenience shops all over the place. Also, there are a huge number of public phones and they are pretty well always being used. In addition there is an Internet shop with international calling facilities on almost every corner. I found a number of bookshops which all had really large music sections - it was strange seeing works on famous artists in Spanish. The traffic is amazing and all of the buses have spruikers hanging from the doorways urging people to use them. There seems to be great competition with taxis which are just everywhere and which follow you along the kerb touting for your business. Am beginning to firm up travel plans to Machu Picchu and Iquitos. This partly occurred when a poster, due to a gust of wind, fell down on top of me. When I went to replace it I realized that it had some travel options to these places and I have used some of these in my planning - I like to think of this as fate lending a helping hand - hope I'm right.

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